Serving Love,
with All of Me


Welcome, Beloved.

Hi, I’m Sofia.

I am an entrepreneur and a spiritual mentor. My Life is dedicated in service to Love. My work is rooted in ancient Tantric teachings made applicable to modern-day leaders. I guide my clients to walk the path of their Highest Destiny through remembering their inner wholeness, and blossoming in sacred sexuality and embodied wealth.

Since 2012 I’ve held over 100 transformational events worldwide, written a bestselling book and created multiple online programs all on the subjects of personal transformation, soul-based leadership and embodied intimacy. I am the founder of Sundari Mystery Immersions, host of the Boundless Love podcast and CEO of my multiple 7 figure brand.

My network consists of over 150,000 bright humans. Over 60,000 people from all across the world have been a part of my Programs both on and off line. They claim that my work has transformed their lives and supported them in creating Lives of profound fulfillment, unrealistic success and all-encompassing Love.


About me

"The supreme destiny of a Human is to return where we came from - to return back to Love."

- Sofia Sundari

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Sundari Mystery Immersions

With Sofia Sundari

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Liberation into Orgasm

Liberation into Orgasm is an invitation to go through pleasure beyond pleasure. This book is not just a bunch of nice ideas that are only good for the mind, it is an invitation to experience Life totally, and live fully, unapologetically, shamelessly as You.


Free e-books

Moon And Woman

Secret Feminine Codes And Cycles

Sundari Love Practices

5 Simple Tools To Deepen Intimacy

The Key to the Feminine Mystery

A Practical Guide for Men who Rise

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